Sunday, June 5, 2011

Summer Goals

I'm copying my friend Clara and coming up with some goals for the summer! Five are ones I came up with, and five are taken from Clara's friend's options.

1. Learn how to shuffle cards. (DONE! My card-playing grandparents and aunt taught me the right way when I was home last weekend.)

2. Take an Austin trip!

3. Make this cake

4. Go to at least three concerts

5. Take the Inprint writing class (I had my first one last Wednesday, and I love it so far)

and from Clara's friend...

6. Make popsicles (I saw a recipe for plain greek yogurt with jam.. it's gonna happen!)

7. Give a surprise bouquet of flowers to a friend

8. Host a summer dinner party

9. Have a picnic (hello, Miller Outdoor Theatre!)

10. Make my own art


  1. What is the Inprint writing?

    These sound like good goals. My goals are to learn how to take care of my garden and to make a trip to Houston.

    Miss you.

  2. I'm putting in a BIG vote for visiting Houston! Inprint is an organization that brings authors here for book talks and has writing classes in the summer. I've only had one class so far, but I really like the other students and teacher! The one I'm taking is called "Personal Essay."

  3. I like the idea of summertime goals, and yours sound really fun!
